Tes DNA: AS Eksekusi Mati Orang yang Salah/DNA Test: U.S. Execution Dead Wrong People
Claude Jones blamed by evidence of a hair. DNA testing reveals the facts differ.
Sepuluh tahun kemudian, kasusnya kembali mengemuka gara-gara hasil tes DNA pada sehelai rambut. Tes yang dilakukan Mitotyping Technologies yang dipublikasikan majalah Observer Texas membuktikan bahwa Claude Jones bukan pemilik rambut tersebut.
Apa hubungan sehelai rambut dengan kasus Jones?
Seperti dimuat Brisbane Times Jumat 12 November 2010, Jones yang punya catatan kriminal panjang didakwa membunuh Allen Hilzendager dalam sebuah perampokan toko minuman keras.
Namun Jones bersikukuh, pada saat kejadian ia menunggu di dalam mobil saat rekannya merampok dan menembak korban tiga kali di luar kota Point Blank.
Ia dinyatakan bersalah dalam pembunuhan di tahun 1989 itu dan upaya bandingnya di mentahkan -- atas dasar sehelai rambut yang ditemukan polisi di tempat kejadian perkara (TKP).
Ilmu forensik saat itu terbatas -- hanya bisa menyelidiki rambut itu di bawah mikroskop dan rambut itu memang terlihat seperti rambut Jones.
Belakangan, analisa di bawah mikroskop dikesampingkan berkat perkembangan uji DNA.
Saat menunggu hari-hari terakhirnya, Jones meminta dilakukan tes DNA dan meminta eksekusi ditunda sampai uji DNA dihasilkan. Namun, permintaannya ditolak Gubernur Texas saat itu, George W Bush.
Dokumen yang diperoleh Observer Texas dan Proyek Innocence menunjukkan bahwa: pengacara di kantor gubernur gagal untuk memberitahu Bush bahwa bukti DNA bisa membebaskan Jones.
Sebab, Bush adalah pendukung dilakukannya tes DNA dalam kasus-kasus yang bermuara pada hukuman mati.
Meski ini bukan bukti kuat untuk membuktikan Jones tak bersalah, "tapi rambut adalah satu-satunya bukti yang menghubungkan Jones di TKP. Ini menimbulkan keraguan serius tentang kesalahannya," demikian ditulis Observer.
Seorang hakim Texas saat ini sedang mempertimbangkan apakah Jones memang tidak bersalah -- meski Jones kini telah meninggal di meja eksekusi.
Kasus Jones adalah yang kedua -- bahwa ada keraguan atas kesalahan seorang terpidana mati. Sebelumnya, Cameron Todd Willingham dieksekusi mati pada 2004 setelah dinyatakan terbukti menyeting kebakaran yang membunuh tiga anak perempuannya.
Tetapi beberapa ahli terkenal mengatakan awal tahun ini bahwa ada cacat dalah kasus ini, bahwa bukti Willingham merencanakan pembakaran itu.
Claude Jones blamed by evidence of a hair. DNA testing reveals the facts differ.VIVAnews - Thursday, December 7, 2000 is the last day for Claude Howard Jones. Injections of poison to end his life. The man from Texas was executed at the age of 60.
Ten years later, the case re-surfaced because of the results of DNA tests on a hair. Tests conducted Mitotyping Technologies published the Texas Observer magazine to prove that Claude Jones was not the owner of the hair.
What does a hair with Jones case?
As Brisbane Times published Friday, November 12, 2010, Jones had a long criminal record charged with killing Allen Hilzendager in a liquor store robbery.
But Jones insisted, at the time of the incident he waited in the car while his companion robbed and shot the victim three times outside the city of Point Blank.
He was found guilty of murder in 1989, and efforts to appeal on mentahkan - on the basis of a single hair found at crime scenes police (crime scene).
Forensic science was limited - it can only be investigated under a microscope the hair and hair that does look like Jones's hair.
Later, the analysis under the microscope thanks to the development of DNA testing excluded.
While waiting for his last days, Jones's request for DNA testing and requested the execution be delayed until DNA test results. However, his request was denied Texas Governor, George W. Bush.
Documents obtained by the Observer and the Texas Innocence Project shows that: a lawyer in the governor's office failed to tell Bush that DNA evidence could free up Jones.
Because, Bush is a supporter of doing DNA testing in cases that lead to the death penalty.
While this is not strong evidence to prove Jones' innocence, "but the hair is the only evidence linking Jones at the scene. It raises serious doubts about his guilt," writes the Observer.
A Texas judge is currently considering whether Jones is not guilty - even though Jones has now died in the execution table.
Jones is the second case - that there are doubts about the mistakes a person sentenced to death. Previously, Cameron Todd Willingham was executed in 2004 after being convicted of setting fire to kill three daughters.
But several well-known experts said earlier this year that there are defects dalah this case, that evidence of Willingham's firing plan.
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