Kamis, 11 November 2010

Armed gangs in prisons Prisoners Release

Gunmen fire long-barreled visited Penitentiary (Prison) Lhokseumawe. They released four prisoners are languishing in prison because of drug cases.
Head of Class II Correctional Lhokseumawe, Edi Widodo Teguh, say, a gang disguised as a guest and threatened officers with firearms. Everyone in the prison were asked to get down.
"He pulled out an AK-47 from his jacket. I and my four subordinates confused and obey orders that person to open the cell door," he said Thursday, November 11, 2010.
According to actor Eddie amounted to more than one person and ride Kijang Krista. Actors also did not use headgear.
But, "I did not get to see her face, because only from the side," he said.
Edi said Lhokseumawe prison officers not equipped with weapons.Therefore they can not do much. "I do not dare to take risks, he also threatened to shoot us," he said.
The four prisoners who were released respectively, Azhari Abubakar (23), who was sentenced to 10 years in prison, Yusrizal Jamil (34) 8 years in prison, Rizal Antoni (33) six years in prison and Syarbaini Solomon (55) is sentenced to 7 years in prison.
Party Lhokseumawe prison and police are still developing this case. It is not known exactly where the flock is run.


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