Sabtu, 20 November 2010

Foto Jepretan Cooper, si Kucing Fotografer /Photo shots Cooper, the Cat Photographers

Foto Jepretan Cooper, si Kucing Fotografer
VIVAnews - Seekor kucing bernama Cooper baru-baru ini menerbitkan karya-karya hasil jepretannya dalam sebuah buku. Foto-foto kucing asal Seattle, Amerika Serikat ini pun mendapat sambutan dari sejumlah pecinta binatang.

Seperti dilansir dari, pasangan yang mengasuh Cooper, Deirdre dan Michael Cross, menempelkan kamera di leher Cooper. Setiap dua menit sekali, kamera ini otomatis akan mengambil gambar. Dan, Cooper pun siap beraksi.

Melalui foto-foto Cooper ini, dunia bisa melihat tempat-tempat mana saja si kucing pergi, mulai interaksi dengan binatang peliharaan tetangga, bahkan sampai perubahan cuaca, dan tentunya dari sudut pandang seekor kucing berusia lima tahun ini.

Dalam buku ini, Cooper yang berjenis American Shorthair ini ikut memberikan komentar dan tips. Klik di sini untuk melihat foto-foto hasil jepretan fotografer sekaliber Cooper!

Sejumlah media massa di sana pun memberikan komentar atas penerbitan buku ini.

"Pernahkah anda bayangkan apa yang dilakukan kucing saat anda tidak ada? Ini adalah setahun dalam hidup seekor kucing."– GOOD MORNING AMERICA

“Deirdre dan Michael Cross menaruh kamera pada leher kucing mereka dan secara otomatis mengambil gambar setiap dua menit sekali. Sudut pandang Cooper akan dunia sangat berbeda dengan kebanyakan yang dilihat orang."– ANIMAL PLANET’s “CATS 101”

“Cooper… si kucing fotografer pertama!” – IN TOUCH WEEKLY

• VIVAnews
(Photo shots Cooper, the Cat Photographers
VIVAnews - A cat named Cooper recently published works jepretannya results in a book. Cat photos from Seattle, the United States is also gaining acceptance from a number of animal lovers.

As reported by the, couples caring for Cooper, Deirdre and Michael Cross, Cooper put a camera around your neck. Every two minutes or so, this camera will take pictures automatically. And, Cooper was ready for action.

Through Cooper's photographs, the world could see places where only the cat's away, start the interaction with neighboring pets, even until the weather changes, and certainly from the perspective of a five-year-old cat.

In this book, Cooper, American Shorthair manifold is joined to provide comments and tips. Click here to see pictures of Cooper's caliber photographers shots!

Some mass media there also to comment on the issuance of this book.

"Have you ever imagine what the cat when you are not there? This is a year in the life of a cat." - GOOD MORNING AMERICA

"Deirdre and Michael Cross put the camera on their cat's neck and automatically take pictures every two minutes. Cooper will be the world's point of view is very different from most people see. "- ANIMAL PLANET's" CATS 101 "

"Cooper ... the cat's first photographer!" - IN TOUCH Weekly)

photo hasl jepretanya

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