VIVAnews - Pernahkah anda membayangkan menginap di sebuah hotel dengan tarif kamar US$65 ribu atau lebih dari setengah miliar rupiah hanya untuk satu malam. Itu bukanlah bualan, memang benar-benar ada. Namun, ini memang spesial untuk orang-orang berkantong tebal.
Berlokasi di Jenewa, Swiss, The Royal Penthouse Suite di President Wilson Hotel menghadap ke Danau Jenewa yang indah. Menginap di hotel ini, dijamin anda memiliki pengalaman yang tak terlupakan. Belum lagi bentuk-bentuk kemewahan lain yang bakal diperoleh tamu. Tak mengherankan jika kamar ini merupakan kamar hotel paling mahal di dunia.
Itu di Jenewa. Di Las Vegas ada pula hotel yang tak diragukan lagi kemewahannya. Vila mewah milik pendiri Playboy, Hugh Hefner ini memiliki tempat tidur besar yang bisa diputar-putar. Terserah si tamu diputar kemanapun mereka suka, bisa ke barat, timur, selatan atau utara.
Berikut ini daftar hotel termahal di dunia:
Daftar pertama - kesepuluh di sini
11. Penthouse Prestige Apartment, Prancis - US$35.000 per malam
12. Ty Warner Penthouse, Four Seasons Hotel New York - US$ 35.000 semalam
Ty Warner Penthouse menawarkan pemandangan 360 derajat dari semua sisi Manhattan. Dibuat dengan memperhatikan setiap detail, dari permukaan batu semi mulia, dihiasi platinum dan emas untuk kain tenunnya. Sembilan suite ini diciptakan seperti karya seni yang agung.
Tamu juga bisa menikmati pengalaman mengesankan seperti program TV untuk setiap saluran di seluruh dunia, panggilan telepon tak terbatas ke seluruh dunia, pelayan dan personal trainer.
13. Resort Las Vegas - US$ 40.000 per malam
Suite di atas Palms Resort di Las Vegas ini hanya pendiri Playboy, Hugh Hefner yang dapat mencantumkan namanya. Vila mewah ini lengkap dengan tanda tangan kelinci Playboy yang menghiasi ruangan. Fokus utama dari ruangan ini adalah ukurannya yang besar dengan tempat tidur yang bisa diputar. Di luarnya tersedia balkon yang bisa menghadap ke Vegas. Kamar ini juga terdiri dari pusat kebugaran dengan ruangan sauna dan spa.
Dengan kapasitas 250 orang, meja poker, bar dan teras terbuka, tak ada suite lain yang lebih baik untuk pesta. Bahkan Kayne West presenter MTV Music Award mengadakan pesta pada 2007 dan mengundang teman-teman sesama rapper.
14. The Royal Penthouse Suite, President Wilson Hotel, Jenewa - US$ 65.000 per malam.
Menampilkan pemandangan menakjubkan dari Mont Blanc, bagian paling menonjol dari pegunungan Alpen, juga pemandangan memukau Danau Jenewa. Dengan arsitektur modern yang mengkombinasikan layanan kelas dunia, bagi mereka yang menginap di Suite ini akan memiliki pengalaman tak terlupakan di Swiss.
World's most luxurious hotel, Rp585 Million OvernightStaying at this hotel, you are guaranteed an unforgettable experience.VIVAnews - Have you ever thought of staying at a hotel with room rates of U.S. $ 65 thousand or more than half a billion dollars just for one night. That is not boasting, really exist. However, this is special for those deep pockets.
Located in Geneva, Switzerland, The Royal Penthouse Suite at President Wilson Hotel, overlooking the beautiful Lake Geneva. Staying at this hotel, you are guaranteed an unforgettable experience. Not to mention other forms of luxury that would be obtained by guest. Not surprisingly, this room is the most expensive hotel rooms in the world.
It was in Geneva. In Las Vegas hotel there is also no doubt that luxury. Luxury villa owned by Playboy founder Hugh Hefner has a large bed that can be twisted around. It's up to the guests played wherever they like, could be to the west, east, south or north.
Here is a list of most expensive hotels in the world:
The first list - the tenth here
11. Prestige Penthouse Apartment, France - U.S. $ 35,000 per night
Prestige Penthouse Apartment, France Why did you choose to stay at the hotel if you can stay in the penthouse apartment? This penthouse has two bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. Bath room has a hammam, a traditional Turkish bath. After enjoying the spa and sauna bath, you can sit on the terrace overlooking the Bay of Cannes with views of the Lerins Island and Esterel Range. You may also contact a personal maid and bring what you need.
12. Ty Warner Penthouse, Four Seasons Hotel New York - U.S. $ 35,000 a night
Ty Warner Penthouse, Four Seasons Hotel New York offered the best facilities in the hotel is located at the Four Seasons Hotel has been famous American. The Ty Warner Penthouse menabjubkan features views of Central Park, with glass balconies, plush furniture, and access Marcedes Rollys Maybach or Rolls Phantom with a personal driver.
Ty Warner Penthouse offers 360 degree views from all sides of Manhattan. Created with attention to every detail, from the surface of semi-precious stones, decorated with platinum and gold for cloth tenunnya. Nine suites were created as works of great art.
Guests can also enjoy the experience as impressive as the TV program for every channel worldwide, unlimited phone calls around the world, waiter and personal trainer.
13. Las Vegas Resort - U.S. $ 40,000 per nightHugh Hefner Sky Villa / Palms Casino Resort Las VegasSuite on top of the Palms Resort in Las Vegas is only the founder of Playboy, Hugh Hefner who can put their name. This luxury villa complete with the signature Playboy bunny who decorate the room. The main focus of this room is a large size with a bed that can be played. Available outside balcony which can overlook the Vegas. These rooms also consist of a fitness center with sauna and spa room.
With a capacity of 250 people, poker table, bar and terrace is open, there is no other suite better for the party. Even Kayne West MTV Music Award presenters throw a party in 2007 and invites his fellow rappers.
14. The Royal Penthouse Suite, President Wilson Hotel, Geneva - U.S. $ 65,000 per night.
The Royal Penthouse Suite, President Wilson Hotel, GenewaSuite most expensive in the world was originally known as the Imperial Suite at the rate of U.S. $ 35,000 per night in 2006. However, the price continued to rise until now to $ 65 thousand or Rp585 million per night. Located in Geneva Switzerland, this suite has a private elevator to drop off guests at the top.
Featuring stunning views of Mont Blanc, the most prominent part of the Alps, as well as spectacular views of Lake Geneva. With modern architecture that combines world-class service, for those who stay in this suite will have an unforgettable experience in Switzerland.
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