Terdampar 50 Hari di Laut, Tiga ABG Selamat
Makan daging mentah burung camar dan minum air hujan jadi andalan mereka untuk bertahan.
VIVAnews - Tiga remaja Selandia Baru berhasil bertahan hidup saat terdampar di tengah laut Samudera Pasifik selama 50 hari. Padahal kerabat di kampung halaman sudah mengira mereka telah meninggal sehingga sudah menggelar upacara berkabung.
Menurut laman harian Sydney Morning Herald (SMH), ketiga pemuda itu berhasil diselamatkan pada Rabu, 24 November 2010. Mereka bernama Samuel Perez dan Filo Filo - keduanya berusia 15 tahun - dan Edward Nasau (14 tahun).
Ketiga remaja itu dilaporkan hilang pada 5 Oktober lalu ketika kapal alumunium kecil yang mereka naiki terbawa arus di lepas pantai Selandia Baru. Pencarian yang dilakukan pasukan angkatan udara Selandia Baru tidak membuahkan hasil.
Mengira ketiganya sudah tewas, pihak keluarga di Pulau Atafu berinisiatif menggelar upacara berkabung. Namun, suasana duka berubah jadi kegembiraan setelah mendengar kabar bahwa mereka berhasil ditemukan dalam keadaan hidup oleh suatu kapal nelayan. Walau sudah lemah lunglai, ketiga remaja itu masih bisa melambai-lambaikan tangan ke arah kapal.
“Kami melihat kapal kecil dan kami sadar itu aneh. Kami melihat ada beberapa orang di dalamnya dan seharusnya mereka tidak berada di sana,” ujar Tai Fredricson, seorang awak kapal nelayan yang pertama kali melihat mereka seperti dilansir SMH.
“Mereka sangat kurus, namun dalam keadaan baik mengingat apa yang telah mereka lalui,” lanjut Fredricson.
Mereka ditemukan 1.300 kilometer dari tempat mereka hilang, tepatnya di bagian barat dekat perairan Uvea atau di sebelah timur Fiji. Fredricson mengetahui betul kondisi seseorang yang terdampar. Maka, mereka tidak boleh langsung diberi air dan makanan, tapi harus diinfus terlebih dulu.
Mereka berhasil bertahan hidup di tengah laut selama 50 hari dengan hanya meminum air hujan dan memakan seekor burung camar laut. Burung itu mereka makan mentah-mentah dan mencicilnya selama beberapa hari.
“Entah bagaimana mereka dapat menangkap seekor camar laut. Saya tidak tahu bagaimana, yang jelas mereka menangkapnya,” ujar Fredricson lagi.
Saat haus, mereka mengandalkan air hujan. Namun selama beberapa hari terakhir, mereka terpaksa meminum sedikit air laut karena hujan tidak kunjung turun.
“Mereka meminum sedikit demi sedikit air laut, memang bukan ide yang bagus, namun mereka hanya melakukannya selama beberapa hari terakhir,” ujar Fredricson seraya mengatakan bahwa mereka bisa mati jika terus mengkonsumsi air laut.
Pada Jumat, 26 November 2010, mereka akan diberangkatkan ke pulau Fiji untuk menjalani perawatan sebelum pulang. Perjuangan ketiga remaja itu dianggap sebuah mujizat oleh banyak orang, termasuk awak kapal yang menemukan mereka.
( VIVAnews - Three teenage New Zealand managed to survive when stranded in the middle of the Pacific Ocean sea for 50 days. Though relatives back home already thought they had died so that already held a mourning ceremony.
According to the daily page Sydney Morning Herald (SMH), the three young men were rescued on Wednesday, November 24, 2010. They named Samuel Perez and Filo Filo - both aged 15 years - and Edward Nasau (14 years).
The three teens were reported missing on Oct. 5 last when their small aluminum boat ride drifting off the coast of New Zealand. Search by New Zealand air force troops returned no results.
Thought all three had died, the family on the island of Atafu initiative held a mourning ceremony. However, the atmosphere of sorrow turned to joy after hearing the news that they had found alive by a fishing boat. Despite weak limp, the three teens were still waving his hand toward the ship.
"We saw a small boat and we realized it was weird. We see there are some people in it and they should not be there, "said Tai Fredricson, a crew of fishermen who first saw them as reported by the SMH.
"They are very thin but in good condition considering what they went through," continued Fredricson.
They found 1300 miles from where they disappeared, exactly in the western part of uvea or near the waters east of Fiji. Fredricson know the true condition of someone who is stranded. So, they should not be directly given water and food, but must be infused first.
They managed to survive at sea for 50 days with only rainwater to drink and eat a sea gull. The bird they eat it raw and installments for a few days.
"Somehow they can catch a sea gull. I do not know how, which obviously they caught him, "said Fredricson again.
When thirsty, they rely on rain water. But for a few days, they were forced to drink sea water because of a little rain does not go down.
"They're taking little by little sea water, is not a good idea, but they only do it for a few days," said Fredricson saying that they could die if it continues to consume sea water.
On Friday, November 26, 2010, they will be flown to the island of Fiji for treatment before going home. Struggle three teenagers were considered a miracle by many people, including crew members who found them.)
Kamis, 25 November 2010
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