This time the House Intelligence Bombed, 7 KilledThe Taliban continues to terrorize because they think there is anti-Islamic movement and the alliance with the U.S.
VIVAnews - Terror bombings in recent days continue to whack the city of Peshawar, Pakistan. Target this time is the government's intelligence office, Friday, November 13, 2009. The incident killed at least seven people and injuring another 35 people.
The incident in the city of northwest Pakistan is the latest bloody attack that also killed civilians and foreigners since the Government of Pakistan launched an offensive against the military over the Taliban in Waziristan border mid-October. The county is believed to be the hideout of the leader of al-Qaida terrorist network and the Taliban.
Local police said the attack revealed that destroyed three buildings owned by the Service Agency and the Intelligence Service and several cars around the streets. A few minutes after the explosion, officials evacuated the wounded bodies and body.
"All seven bodies had been brought to the Lady Reading Hospital. While the injured were being treated in the same place, said one police officer, Ullah Khan.
Another police officer, Liaqat Ali Khan, said a car containing the bomb hit the main gate before exploding. The government said that militant attacks would not discourage them to crush the rebellion in Waziristan.
Pakistan's military intelligence (ISI) has established al Qaeda in the northwestern region as a target of the operation since 2001. At that time, many militant leaders who cross into the area following the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan. This area is a haven terrorist leader Osama bin Laden.
The Taliban continues to terrorize the Pakistani government because they think there is anti-Islamic movement and the alliance with the United States in the South Asian country. The revolt began in early 2007 and increased frequency since the attacks in south Waziristan. (AP)/
Kali ini Gedung Intelijen Dibom, 7 Tewas
Taliban terus meneror karena menganggap ada gerakan anti Islam dan aliansi dengan AS
VIVAnews - Teror bom dalam beberapa hari terakhir terus mendera kota Peshawar, Pakistan. Sasaran kali ini adalah kantor intelijen pemerintah, Jumat 13 November 2009. Insiden itu membunuh sedikitnya tujuh orang serta melukai 35 orang lainnya.
Insiden di kota barat laut Pakistan itu merupakan serangan berdarah terkini yang turut menewaskan warga sipil dan warga asing semenjak Pemerintah Pakistan melancarkan serangan melawan militer atas Taliban di perbatasan Waziristan pertengahan Oktober lalu. Wilayah itu dipercaya sebagai tempat persembunyian para pemimpin jaringan teroris al-Qaida dan Taliban.
Kepolisian setempat mengungkapkan mengatakan serangan itu menghancurkan tiga gedung milik Badan Layanan dan Jasa Intelejen serta beberapa mobil di sekitar jalanan. Beberapa menit pasca ledakan, petugas mengevakuasi mayat dan tubuh yang terluka.
"Ketujuh mayat telah dibawa ke Rumah Sakit Lady Reading. Sementara korban luka-luka sedang mendapat perawatan di tempat yang sama, kata salah seorang Petugas Kepolisian, Ullah Khan.
Petugas polisi lainnya, Liaqat Ali Khan, mengatakan sebuah mobil berisi bom menabrak gerbang utama sebelum meledak. Pemerintah menyatakan bahwa serangan militan itu tidak akan menyurutkan mereka untuk menumpas pemberontakan di Waziristan.
Intelijen militer Pakistan (ISI) telah menetapkan wilayah al Qaida di baratlaut sebagai target operasi sejak 2001. Kala itu, banyak pemimpin militan yang melintas ke wilayah itu menyusul invasi AS terhadap Afganistan. Wilayah ini merupakan tempat berlindung gembong teroris Osama bin Laden.
Taliban terus meneror pemerintah Pakistan karena menganggap ada gerakan anti Islam dan aliansi dengan AS di negeri Asia Selatan itu. Pemberontakan mulai terjadi awal 2007 dan meningkat frekuensinya sejak serangan di selatan Waziristan. (AP)
Minggu, 14 November 2010
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