Jumat, 26 November 2010

Tembakan Meriam Korut Kembali Terdengar

Tembakan Meriam Korut Kembali Terdengar
Terjadi beberapa jam setelah Panglima Pasukan AS di Korsel menyambangi Pulau Yeonpyeong.
VIVAnews - Bunyi sejumlah tembakan artileri terdengar di Korea Utara (Korut), Jumat siang waktu setempat. Pejabat Korea Selatan (Korsel) menduga tembakan artileri itu merupakan bagian dari latihan militer atau bisa juga gertakan Korut.

"Tembakan tadi tidak diarahkan ke kami dan kami yakin suara itu muncul saat Korea Utara menggelar latihan rutin di wilayah mereka," kata juru bicara militer Korsel, Lee Bung-woo, seperti dikutip kantor berita Yonhap.

Dia mengungkapkan terdengar enam ledakan antara pukul 12.20 hingga 15 waktu setempat. Sedangkan juru bicara Kementrian Pertahanan, Kwon Ki-hyeon, seperti dikutip laman The New York Times, mengatakan bahwa selain bagian dari latihan rutin, bunyi tembakan artileri itu bisa juga gertakan dari Korut setelah tiga hari sebelumnya menggempur Pulau Yeonpyeong. 

Bunyi ledakan artileri terdengar beberapa jam setelah Panglima Pasukan AS di Korsel, Jenderal Walter Sharp, mengunjungi Yeonpyeong, yang dekat dengan perbatasan Korsel-Korut. Dia ke sana untuk meninjau kerusakan akibat serangan Korut Selasa lalu, yang menewaskan empat warga Korsel.

Sebelumnya Korut ancam ajak perang jika Korsel dan Amerika Serikat (AS) tetap melakukan latihan militer gabungan akhir pekan ini. Ini merupakan reaksi Korut menyusul pergerakan kapal induk bertenaga nuklir AS, USS George Washington, ke perairan Korsel Rabu lalu untuk melakukan latihan gabungan, yang direncanakan berlangsung Minggu 28 November 2010.

Korut menggempur Pulau Yeonpyeong setelah menyatakan kesal atas latihan perang Korsel di perairan dekat perbatasan kedua negara. (umi)
(North cannon shots sounded BackOccurred several hours after U.S. forces commander in South Korea visited Yeonpyeong Island.VIVAnews - The sound of artillery fire heard in North Korea (North Korea), on Friday afternoon local time. Officials of South Korea (ROK) figured artillery fire was part of a military exercise or it could be North Korea's bluff.
"A shot was not directed to us and we are confident sound come as North Korea held a regular practice in their area," said South Korean military spokesman, Lee Man-woo, as quoted by Yonhap news agency.
He said six explosions sounded between the hours of 12:20 to 15 local time. Meanwhile, Defense Ministry spokesman, Kwon Ki-hyeon, as quoted pages of The New York Times, said that in addition to part of routine practice, the sound of artillery fire could also bluff from North Korea after three days previously to demolish the Yeonpyeong Island.
The sound of artillery explosions heard several hours after the Commander of U.S. Forces in Korea, Gen. Walter Sharp, visit Yeonpyeong, which is close to the border with South Korea-North Korea. He was there to review the damage caused by North Korean attack Tuesday that killed four South Koreans.
Previously North Korea threatens war if South Korea and invited the United States (U.S.) still perform joint military exercises this weekend. This is the North's reaction following the movement of U.S. nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, USS George Washington, the South Korean waters last Wednesday to conduct joint exercises, planned for Sunday, November 28, 2010.
Pounding the Yeonpyeong Island North Korea after declaring upset over South Korean military exercise in waters near their shared border. (Umi)

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