Terlantar di Afsel, 19 WNI Minta Pulang
Punya masalah kontrak dengan majikan, para anak buah kapal itu kini tidak memegang paspor.
VIVAnews - Nasib 19 warga negara Indonesia (WNI) kini tengah terkatung-katung di Kota Durban, Afrika Selatan (Afsel). Mereka terpaksa menginap di kantor polisi setempat selama lebih satu pekan setelah punya masalah kontrak dengan perusahaan pemilik kapal tempat mereka bekerja. Selain itu, paspor mereka tertinggal di kapal yang telah buang sauh.
Demikian diungkapkan juru bicara Kementerian Luar Negeri Indonesia, Kusuma Habir. Para WNI terlantar itu bekerja sebagai anak buah kapal (ABK) di suatu perusahaan, yang identitasnya masih diselidiki.
Kusuma mengungkapkan, masalah itu berpangkal dari pertentangan dan ketidaksetujuan atas kontrak yang diberikan oleh pemilik kapal tempat mereka bekerja. Karena itu, para ABK ini minta dipulangkan ke tanah air.
“Mereka tidak menyetujui kontrak dan kondisi kerja yang tidak sesuai dengan perjanjian, sehingga minta dipulangkan,” kata Kusuma saat dihubungi VIVAnews, Jumat, 26 November 2010.
Kusuma mengatakan bahwa mereka terpaksa ditampung di kantor polisi di Durban karena tidak membawa paspor dan dokumen lain yang diperlukan. Alasan mereka, paspor tertinggal di kapal yang telah buang sauh. “Dokumen ABK terbawa kapal yang telah meninggalkan Durban, karena itu sementara ditampung,” ujar Kusuma.
Sebelumnya sempat tersiar kabar bahwa para ABK ini ditahan oleh polisi dan tidak diperkenankan untuk menemui WNI lainnya. Namun Kusuma membantah kabar itu dengan mengatakan bahwa mereka hanya ditampung sementara sampai urusan dengan pemilik kapal selesai.
“Mereka tidak ditahan, namun ditampung di kepolisian yang mengurus bagian imigrasi. Mereka tidak diperbolehkan meninggalkan negara tersebut sampai negosiasi dengan pemilik kapal rampung,” ujar Kusuma.
“Mereka juga diperbolehkan keluar masuk dan melaksanakan solat di mesjid dengan didampingi staf Kedutaan Besar Republik Indonesia (KBRI) di sana,” lanjut dia.
KBRI Pretoria juga telah mengirim pengacara untuk melakukan negosiasi dengan pemilik kapal. “Pendampingan oleh KBRI telah dilakukan sejak awal, kami juga telah mengirimkan surat resmi kepada Internasional Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) untuk juga menangani hal tersebut,” ujar Kusuma.
KBRI berharap negosiasi cepat selesai dan pemilik kapal bisa segera memenuhi kewajiban memulangkan para ABK ke tanah air. “Pemilik kapal diharapkan membiayai semua biaya pemulangan mereka karena itu tercantum di perjanjian sebelumnya,” kata Kusuma.
Demikian diungkapkan juru bicara Kementerian Luar Negeri Indonesia, Kusuma Habir. Para WNI terlantar itu bekerja sebagai anak buah kapal (ABK) di suatu perusahaan, yang identitasnya masih diselidiki.
Kusuma mengungkapkan, masalah itu berpangkal dari pertentangan dan ketidaksetujuan atas kontrak yang diberikan oleh pemilik kapal tempat mereka bekerja. Karena itu, para ABK ini minta dipulangkan ke tanah air.
“Mereka tidak menyetujui kontrak dan kondisi kerja yang tidak sesuai dengan perjanjian, sehingga minta dipulangkan,” kata Kusuma saat dihubungi VIVAnews, Jumat, 26 November 2010.
Kusuma mengatakan bahwa mereka terpaksa ditampung di kantor polisi di Durban karena tidak membawa paspor dan dokumen lain yang diperlukan. Alasan mereka, paspor tertinggal di kapal yang telah buang sauh. “Dokumen ABK terbawa kapal yang telah meninggalkan Durban, karena itu sementara ditampung,” ujar Kusuma.
Sebelumnya sempat tersiar kabar bahwa para ABK ini ditahan oleh polisi dan tidak diperkenankan untuk menemui WNI lainnya. Namun Kusuma membantah kabar itu dengan mengatakan bahwa mereka hanya ditampung sementara sampai urusan dengan pemilik kapal selesai.
“Mereka tidak ditahan, namun ditampung di kepolisian yang mengurus bagian imigrasi. Mereka tidak diperbolehkan meninggalkan negara tersebut sampai negosiasi dengan pemilik kapal rampung,” ujar Kusuma.
“Mereka juga diperbolehkan keluar masuk dan melaksanakan solat di mesjid dengan didampingi staf Kedutaan Besar Republik Indonesia (KBRI) di sana,” lanjut dia.
KBRI Pretoria juga telah mengirim pengacara untuk melakukan negosiasi dengan pemilik kapal. “Pendampingan oleh KBRI telah dilakukan sejak awal, kami juga telah mengirimkan surat resmi kepada Internasional Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) untuk juga menangani hal tersebut,” ujar Kusuma.
KBRI berharap negosiasi cepat selesai dan pemilik kapal bisa segera memenuhi kewajiban memulangkan para ABK ke tanah air. “Pemilik kapal diharapkan membiayai semua biaya pemulangan mereka karena itu tercantum di perjanjian sebelumnya,” kata Kusuma.
(Displaced in South Africa, 19 Indonesians Return RequestGot a contract with the employer, the crew is now not holding a passport.
VIVAnews - The fate of 19 citizens of Indonesia (WNI) is now hanging in the city of Durban, South Africa (South Africa). They were forced to stay at the local police station for over one week after the company had secured a contract with the owner of the ship where they work. In addition, their passports were left behind on the ship anchored.
Thus disclosed spokesman Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia, Kusuma Habir. The displaced citizens were working as the crew (ABK) in a company, whose identity is still being investigated.
Kusuma said, the problem stems from the opposition and disagreements over contracts awarded by the owners of the ship where they work. Therefore, the crew was asked repatriated to their homeland.
"They did not approve the contract and working conditions that are not in accordance with the agreement, so ask for discharge," Kusuma said when contacted VIVAnews, Friday, November 26, 2010.
Kusuma said that they had to be accommodated at a police station in Durban for not carrying passport and other necessary documents. Their reasons, passports that have been left on the ship anchored. "The document carried by the ship crew who had left Durban, because it is temporarily housed," says Kusuma.
Previously had spread the news that the crew was detained by police and not allowed to meet with other citizens. But Kusuma denied the news saying that they only temporarily accommodated until affairs with the owner of the ship is completed.
"They were not arrested, but are accommodated in the care of the immigration police. They are not allowed to leave the country until negotiations with the owner of the ship is finished, "says Kusuma.
"They are also allowed to go out and perform the prayers at the mosque accompanied by staff of the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia (Embassy) in there," he continued.
Pretoria Embassy has also sent a lawyer to negotiate with the owner of the ship. "The assistance by the Embassy has been done since the beginning, we have also sent an official letter to the International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF) to also handle this," says Kusuma.
Embassy expects negotiations to be over and the ship owner could soon meet the obligation to repatriate the crew to the ground water. "Boat owners are expected to finance all costs of their repatriation because it is listed in the previous agreement," says Kusuma.)
VIVAnews - The fate of 19 citizens of Indonesia (WNI) is now hanging in the city of Durban, South Africa (South Africa). They were forced to stay at the local police station for over one week after the company had secured a contract with the owner of the ship where they work. In addition, their passports were left behind on the ship anchored.
Thus disclosed spokesman Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia, Kusuma Habir. The displaced citizens were working as the crew (ABK) in a company, whose identity is still being investigated.
Kusuma said, the problem stems from the opposition and disagreements over contracts awarded by the owners of the ship where they work. Therefore, the crew was asked repatriated to their homeland.
"They did not approve the contract and working conditions that are not in accordance with the agreement, so ask for discharge," Kusuma said when contacted VIVAnews, Friday, November 26, 2010.
Kusuma said that they had to be accommodated at a police station in Durban for not carrying passport and other necessary documents. Their reasons, passports that have been left on the ship anchored. "The document carried by the ship crew who had left Durban, because it is temporarily housed," says Kusuma.
Previously had spread the news that the crew was detained by police and not allowed to meet with other citizens. But Kusuma denied the news saying that they only temporarily accommodated until affairs with the owner of the ship is completed.
"They were not arrested, but are accommodated in the care of the immigration police. They are not allowed to leave the country until negotiations with the owner of the ship is finished, "says Kusuma.
"They are also allowed to go out and perform the prayers at the mosque accompanied by staff of the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia (Embassy) in there," he continued.
Pretoria Embassy has also sent a lawyer to negotiate with the owner of the ship. "The assistance by the Embassy has been done since the beginning, we have also sent an official letter to the International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF) to also handle this," says Kusuma.
Embassy expects negotiations to be over and the ship owner could soon meet the obligation to repatriate the crew to the ground water. "Boat owners are expected to finance all costs of their repatriation because it is listed in the previous agreement," says Kusuma.)
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