Kamis, 11 November 2010

Android now It's the most phenomenal mobile phone

I want to try to make a thread about the character assassination of the android is no offense for iphone users yesFirst of all people must know about the iphone .. many people who idolized iphone held in his hand for one yes Mangap klIf word of this CMN Iphone developers android who can say

 Indirectly android application manufacturers want to beat the iphone itself it can be said rival ganBut he said the iphone itself is now multi-task already but still not full just a few applications only CMIIW
And first I also very "interested in the iPhone has the same features but do not want the features that are only controlled by one vendor, namely Apple. As with the emergence of android users are given the freedom to customize the cell phone, the one thing that can never be accommodated by the apple iphone,, Android will soon have all the features of the iPhone, it's just that, it took until Android OS became really mature and ready for all market segments.
For now emang number of applications that have the iphone but UDH berjemun many free apps android who owned more ..One of the most important of android for example if we want to modif in such a way diroot all kinds ga what's going on "in or dimarahin google om its the same but if the iphone in jailbreake symbol instead of a pineapple applenya continue applenya caught the same party in the immediate death tuh hape shut the same party because temen ane UDH applenya there ever .

 Some mobile phone such as Samsung spica android more big processor at 800MHz gan dr iphone but dear dear thousand gan the Samsung already ga tuh ngeluarin hengpong (seh issue is too sophisticated and easy on the modifications to the budget marketed cheap) when the spica kl UDH in eclair same root if they say their own android developers tuh hape hape arguably the most advanced today. Just be sure there are rumors circulating today demanded the google again on the same side java oracle that in fact they were hers, but if ga wrong java (sun microsysystem) before the acquisition by Oracle release party vendors to develop them where aja Melepasmu wong java open source but now This party is developing a distinguished name google google GO ya like "java gt to antisivasi if" java UDH ga allowed for the development of android ... bijimane fate of the developers android ya kl jd migration to go gogglegraphic use of android and iphon.

But just calm gan ane chance friend yesterday "nobody ever got tuh hape Ehh it turns out he's got it pretty easy gan Just be from ngikutin quiz disediain by the MXit IndonesiaYou see it now again ngadain MXit events each day for "android and quite easy to get one though gan ga spica already on the market the MXit still tetep bagiin tuh yg spica but in the event weeklyEven her a quiz every day at seven in the evening gan agan if interested and want to get the Samsung hengpong the phenomenal follow-aja gan quite right if you canplease gan agan if sustenance is here easily "get an Android agan

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