Minggu, 28 November 2010

Mistik Terekam, Hantu Cewek Suka Tindih Cowok

Terekam, Hantu Cewek Suka Tindih Cowok 
SITUBONDO, KOMPAS.com — Warga kelurahan Mimbaan, Situbondo, Jawa Timur, digegerkan dengan penangkapan sosok berwarna putih yang dianggap sebagai hantu di rumah Agus (40), warga setempat, Minggu (28/11/2010).
Hantu itu tidak hanya muncul, tetapi juga sering mengganggu dan menindih saya.
-- Rangga, pemuda dari Situbondo, Jawa Timur
Sesuatu yang katanya gaib itu berhasil ditangkap dengan bantuan paranormal dan langsung dimasukkan dalam botol. Kata warga pula, hantu itu sering menampakkan diri dan mengganggu keluarga pemilik rumah tersebut.
Salah seorang putra pemilik rumah, Rangga (24), mengaku selama ini dirinya sering diganggu dengan adanya penampakan sosok putih di dalam kamarnya. Hantu cewek itu sering muncul saat Rangga sedang tidur di kamarnya.

”Hantu itu tidak hanya muncul, tetapi juga sering mengganggu dan menindih saya,” ujar Rangga, kepada wartawan.
Merasa sering terganggu, akhirnya Rangga menceritakan kejadian tersebut kepada orang- tuanya. Mendengar penuturan putranya, orangtua Rangga langsung meminta bantuan pananormal untuk  mengusir makhluk gaib itu.
Setibanya di rumah yang baru dua bulan ditempati pemiliknya itu, paranormal tersebut langsung melakukan ritual di sekitar rumah. Setelah menunggu beberapa jam, akhirnya makhluk yang sering mengganggu Rangga itu berhasil ditangkap.
Untuk menyakinkan pemilik rumah dan warga, sosok makhluk putih yang ditangkap itu dimasukkan dalam botol.
”Alhamdulillah berhasil. Mungkin saya bohong, tetapi coba perhatikan dan lihat sendiri isi botol ini,” terang paranormal yang tidak mau disebut jati dirinya itu. Saat difoto, sosok putih itu juga dapat terekam, mirip karakter Casper dalam film kartun.
Pemilik rumah, Agus, mengaku lega hantu cewek itu tertangkap. ”Kami bersyukur, sebab tanpa bantuan Allah, mustahil makhluk gaib itu berhasil ditangkap,” kata Agus. (Izi Hartono)
 MysticalCanned, the Ghost Girl Like overlapping Guy
SITUBONDO, KOMPAS.com - Citizens Mimbaan village, Situbondo, East Java, digegerkan with the arrest of a white figure that is considered as a ghost in the house Agus (40), local residents, Sunday (11/28/2010).Ghost was not just appear, but also often disrupt and suppress me.- Rangga, youth from Situbondo, East Java
Something that he said had been arrested with supernatural paranormal assistance and directly inserted in the bottle. Also residents said, the ghost often manifest themselves and interfere with the house owner's family.
One of the homeowner's son, Rangga (24), admitted during this itself is often disturbed by the appearance of a white figure in his room. Ghosts often appear when the girl was sleeping in his room Rangga.
"The ghost was not just appear, but also often disrupt and suppress me," said Rangga, told reporters.
Feeling often disrupted, eventually Rangga telling incident to her parents. Hearing his son's narrative, Rangga parents directly request assistance pananormal to expel the magical creatures.
Arriving at the new house two months occupied by their owners, the paranormal is directly perform rituals around the house. After waiting several hours, which often disturb the creature finally Rangga was successfully captured.
To ensure homeowners and residents, the figure of the white creatures who were arrested were put in a bottle.
"Alhamdulillah successful. Maybe I'm lying, but just watch and see for yourself the contents of this bottle, "explained psychic who asked not to be who he was. When photographed, the white figure can also be recorded, like a cartoon character Casper.
Homeowners, Agus, said relief ghost girl caught. "We're grateful, because without the help of God, it is impossible that a supernatural being successfully captured," said Agus. (Izi Hartono)

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